Large organizations have long understood the importance of innovation. But what does it take to transform an R&D project into a technology solution that teams on the ground actually adopt?
3 Strategies for Rolling Out New Tech Within Your Company
It’s common knowledge that innovation is a critical component of any organization’s success. But what’s often less clear is how to translate innovative new ideas into on-the-ground implementation. In this piece, the authors share three strategies to help R&D teams ensure their new technologies are actually adopted, based on a comprehensive analysis of projects and employees at a large international oil company. First, innovation should start from the users: Rather than taking a top-down approach, R&D teams should work to understand what their end users actually need, and adapt technology offerings to fit users’ needs. Next, R&D teams should make sure to select the right early adopters to pilot new tech. And finally, teams should proactively preempt financial concerns by offering creative solutions to minimize how much money and time field units will need to spend to implement the new technology.