Although the “Shecession” has naturally led many to a focus on recapturing pre-pandemic levels of female engagement in the job market, we believe this approach amounts to a failure of imagination and a profound missed opportunity.
Advancing Gender Equity as You Lead out of the Pandemic
As of January 2021, nearly 3 million women had dropped out of the workforce. The “Shecession” has naturally led many to a focus on recapturing pre-pandemic levels of female engagement in the job market. But why settle for merely recapturing what you already had when your organization can do more? Why not use the efficacy of remote work and the priorities of high-talent women seeking employment to reset your company’s gender diversity and inclusion at all leadership levels? The authors offer three ways to do this. First, challenge gender-normative assumptions around flexible work by communicating that that flexible work arrangements are for all employees (not just women) and encouraging men and male leaders to participate. Second, guard against work-from-home stigma and a two-class culture by routinely analyzing pay and promotion rates for in-office and remote workers to ensure transparency and prevent disparities from creeping in. Finally, hire and promote leaders with 21st-century skills, including authenticity, inclusiveness, humility, and empathy.