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When I was a kid, I thought the word of grown-ups was the word of god. This was especially true when it came to my parents. I was anxious and paranoid, with a mild case of OCD, always running to my mom thinking I was sick, always bugging my dad about how to deal with social things. Growing up in a small town, where there were few reflections of queer people like me, I was suspicious of myself, untrusting and afraid.
My parents were the people who loved me anyway, and when they told me to do something, I did. I depended on their advice around how to navigate conflict, manage anxiety — and once I graduated from college, how to make smart choices about my life and career.
But, like everyone, I got older. Over the years, I changed. I moved to a city, traveled, met new people, and formed opinions and values of my own. You can imagine how devastating it was when I realized those values didn’t always align with my parents’ beliefs. I had to look inward and decide for myself which advice I would — or wouldn’t — take.
We’ve probably all experienced a version of this story. As kids, we rely on adults to guide us. As teens, we look to our friends. Once we’re grown, we have our mentors, partners, and allies.
Even so, the older we get, the harder it becomes to find good advice. As we learn more about what we want, and who we are, the guidance we seek becomes more particular. Likewise, we are more careful about what we take to heart. These boundaries are empowering, but with them comes a challenge: finding people we trust to guide us in the right direction.
For me, good job advice has been the most difficult to come across as an adult. The workforce shifts with every generation. There are plenty of people who can relate to the problems I’ve faced. But fewer can help me solve them in the context of today.
On Ascend, we wanted to address this through our advice column, “Ask an Expert.” We use this space to connect you, our readers, with professionals who share your experiences and values. You send us questions about what you’re struggling with, and we ask one of our specialists to personally respond.
If you ever need a little guidance — this resource is available to you.
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