Summaries and excerpts of the latest books, special offers, and more from Harvard Business Review
In this comprehensive guide, project management expert Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez presents a
new and simple framework that will increase any project's likelihood of success. Packed with
case studies from many industries worldwide, it will teach you how to manage your
organization's projects, strategic programs, and agile initiatives more effectively and push
the best ones ahead to completion.
In this seminal book, former Unilever CEO Paul Polman and sustainable business guru Andrew
Winston argue that to thrive today and tomorrow, companies must become “net positive” —
giving more to the world than they take. With bold vision and compelling
stories, Net Positive sets out the principles and practices that will
deliver the scale of change and transformation the world so desperately needs.
HBR’s exclusive tools |
As a manager, it’s your responsibility to ensure your team is motivated and performing at a
high level. By understanding what drains your employees, you can increase their job
satisfaction and push them toward achieving their goals. The HBR Guide to Motivating
People Ebook + Tools provides practical tips and advice to help your team find meaning
in their work, build on their strengths, and produce the best results for the organization.
Included are downloadable exercises, worksheets, templates, and questionnaires to increase
team engagement, enthusiasm, and success.
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