As remote work continues to be a pillar of our new normal, organizations are realizing that the security environment has dramatically changed. Securing remote work isn’t solely the job of the IT team, however — it also requires trust. Senior leadership needs to be able to trust from the beginning that their teams have secured systems for remote work. Customers need to trust that their data is protected. Employees need to trust that there are systems in place to support them.
Cybersecurity Is Not (Just) a Tech Problem
Four steps to building a company culture that reinforces your IT initiatives.
January 06, 2021
Remote work during the pandemic has meant that organizations had to quickly ramp up their cybersecurity efforts. But securing remote work isn’t just the job of the IT team: Ultimately companies need to make security part of every job description. And the key ingredient to make that happen is trust. The author, the global chief security officer at Box, identifies four steps to enhance trust within an organization: 1) Lead with empathy; 2) Empower employees to make effective decisions; 3) Define what matters most; and 4) Honor the distractions.
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