BT | GMO SCIENCE A public platform where genetically engineered (GE) crop and food impacts are openly discussed and thoughtfully analyzed. Thu, 09 Nov 2023 01:47:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BT | GMO SCIENCE 32 32 Bt and GMOs Tue, 27 Sep 2022 01:22:13 +0000 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) puts out toxic compounds that cause inflammation and tissue damage in the organs of specific insect pests such as caterpillars.

The genes from Bt have been inserted into several genetically modified crops so that the plants produce pesticides themselves. The GM industry argues that this is no different from what organic farmers do when they spray Bt bacteria; however, this is a massive distortion of the facts. Organic farmers spray live bacteria onto the crop, not the Bt toxins. During the night and early morning, pests eat the bacteria, infecting them so that the bacteria release their toxins and eventually kill the pests. It is destroyed by ultraviolet light, so usually, none will survive more than a day or two, and consumers will not be affected by the toxins produced by Bt.

On the other hand, every cell of a Bt GMO plant and its produce contains the Bt toxin, so livestock and people are consuming these pesticide compounds. Despite assurances that they have been tested for safety, most Bt GMOs receive no or minimal testing. The assumption is that because the Bt toxin is considered safe for non-target species, the Bt in the GMO produce is also safe.

However, there are several published, peer-reviewed scientific studies showing that the process of inserting the Bt gene from the bacteria into the plant changes the way Bt works. These studies show that it causes organ damage and inflammatory diseases in the animals that consume the plant. A Canadian study published in the scientific journal Reproductive Toxicology found the pesticide toxin from GMO crops in the blood samples of women and their unborn babies. The GMO toxin was found in 93 percent of maternal blood samples and 80 percent of fetal blood samples. These women were eating the typical Canadian diet. The products of these pesticide-producing plants have been permitted in the diets of people, especially children, without any peer-reviewed, evidence-based testing to show that they are safe. An extensive body of published scientific studies shows that these toxins are linked to numerous adverse health events in animals.

GMO Myths & Facts: A Summary Tue, 03 May 2022 18:39:05 +0000 The following article summarizes the recent publication, GMO Myths and Facts, by Claire Robinson.

GMO Myths & Facts: A Summary

By Melissa Diane Smith

For the past several decades, the public has been fed the rhetoric that genetically modified (GM) crops and foods are needed to feed the world’s growing population and to meet the challenges that farmers face, including climate change as well as pests and diseases. However, scientific research and real-world farming experience show that GM crops and foods have not delivered on their promises of increased yields or reduced toxic chemical inputs.

Instead, GM crops have presented farmers with new challenges of controlling herbicide-resistant superweeds and Bt-resistant superpests. In addition, GM crops have not been shown to be safe to eat, and existing research shows that some GM crops – and the pesticides that go hand in hand with them – pose worrying health risks.

These are the conclusions made in GMO Myths and Facts: What they dont want to tell you about genetically modified crops and foods, a meticulously referenced, reader-friendly, 28-page booklet written by Claire Robinson, editor of, and produced by the Sheepdrove Trust to educate and inform the public. Download your free copy of the booklet.


In the booklet, you’ll learn vital facts in the following areas.

  • Yield: Conventionally bred plants outperform GM crops in terms of:
  • Yield
  • Disease resistance
  • Enhanced nutritional value
  • Tolerance to extreme weather conditions and poor soils.
  • Pesticide use: Most GM crops are tolerant to herbicides, enabling farmers to spray the field liberally with that herbicide, killing all plant life except the crop. The spraying of crops with herbicide such as glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup weed killer, has led to the development and spread of superweeds—weeds that adapt to and withstand the herbicide, resulting in yet more herbicide spraying.
  • Massive rise in the use of glyphosate: Globally, the use of glyphosate, an herbicide that has been identified as a potential cause of cancer and is linked to other diseases including liver and kidney disease, has increased 15-fold since the introduction of GM glyphosate-tolerant crops.
  • GM Bt crops: GM Bt crops have been genetically engineered to produce insect-killing Bacillus thuringienisis (Bt) toxins in their cells so that pests that eat the plants will die. The use of GM Bt crops has led to the development of “super insects” that have become resistant to Bt’s insect-killing effects.
  1. GM Bt crops have been found to have harmful effects far beyond the specific pests they were designed to control, including in butterflies, beneficial pest predators, bees, aquatic organisms, and beneficial soil organisms. In feeding trials in mammals, GM Bt crops have been shown to have adverse effects including:
  • Toxic effects in the small intestine, liver, kidney, spleen, and pancreas
  • Disturbed functioning of the digestive system
  • Altered weight gain compared with controls
  • Male reproductive organ damage
  • Blood biochemistry abnormalities
  • Immune system disturbances
  • Lack of GM food testing: People often assume that governments and their independent agencies rigorously test and ensure the safety of the foods we eat. This is not the case with GM foods. Governments have made GMO developer companies that stand to profit from the sale of GMOs responsible for ensuring their safety – a practice that many liken to leaving the fox in charge of the henhouse. 
  • The risks of consuming GM foods: There are no safety studies in humans on the health effects of GM foods. But animal studies reveal worrying risks, including:
  • Multiple organ damage
  • Immune responses and abnormal allergic-type reactions
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Liver and kidney damage
  • Digestive disturbances
  • Altered gut bacteria
  • Severe stomach inflammation and heavier uteruses.
  1. In addition, most feeding studies with GMOs are short- or medium-term, which may not reveal if changes in GM-fed animals could develop into serious disease in the longer term. Human health and life expectancy in the US are declining, and GM foods and the pesticides that are used with them cannot be ruled out as one cause among many.
  • Gene-editing: Gene-editing technologies (including CRISPR-Cas9, TALENs and ZFNs) are being used to generate not only new varieties of food crops, but farm animals as well. Although proponents claim that these techniques are precise and controllable, a growing body of scientific research shows that gene-editing gives rise to unpredictable results, including unexpected mutations (damage to DNA) both at the site targeted for editing (“on-target mutations”) and elsewhere in the genome (“off-target mutations”). Just like earlier GM technologies, the “new GM” technology of gene-editing will use up valuable resources and distract from the existing proven solutions to the problems of food production and agriculture.
  • Food security: The answer to ensuring food security and sustainably feeding the world’s population is not GMOs, which undermine seed saving and food security in developing countries. Instead, the answer lies in agroecology, a range of low-input and organic farming methods that preserve soil and water while minimizing the use of external inputs, such as pesticides and fertilizers. These methods have been proven to:
  • Deliver safe and abundant food 
  • Produce dramatic increases in yield
  • Keep seeds within the control of farmers and free from patent restraints.

Melissa Diane Smith is a health journalist, respected author on the topic of GMOs, holistic nutritionist, and environmentalist. 

GM Bt Corn Caused Organ Damage and Altered Blood Biochemistry, and Threatened Male Fertility Mon, 18 Mar 2019 15:57:07 +0000 Quick peek

In a rat feeding study,1,2 genetically modified (GM) Bt insecticidal corn caused altered blood biochemistry, organ damage (including damage to liver and kidney), and potential impacts on male fertility. The only difference in the GM corn versus the non-GM corn was the genetic modification. Thus the effects seen in the GM-fed rats were due to the GM process and not to other factors, such as differences in cultivation conditions.


  • In a medium-term rat feeding study, genetically modified (GM) Bt insecticidal corn caused altered blood biochemistry, multiple organ damage, and potential impacts on male fertility.
  • Negative health impacts with relevance to humans include impaired kidney function and liver damage.
  • The study was 45 or 91 days long, varying between the different animal groups studied.
  • Toxicity studies in rats are accepted by regulators worldwide as indicators of toxicity to humans, so human relevance is unquestioned.
  • The non-GM corn eaten by the control group was “isogenic” (had the same genetic background but without the genetic modification) to the GM corn and was grown in the same environmental and field management conditions; both were harvested at the same time. This means the effects seen in the GM-fed animals were due to changes in the corn caused by the genetic modification process and not by environmental factors.
  • The study should be extended to long-term and multi-generational periods to see the full extent of the damage.
  • This experiment tested a single-trait GM crop. However, most GM crops currently on the market contain multiple (“stacked”) GM traits. Future animal feeding studies should test these stacked-trait crops.

In-depth analysis

Study design

This study by Egyptian researchers was reported in two separate publications: Gab-Alla and colleagues (2012)1 and El-Shamei and colleagues (2012).2 In the study, rats were fed the genetically modified (GM) Bt insecticidal corn MON810: Ajeeb YG (a variety developed by Monsanto for the Egyptian market) for 45 and 91 days. The corn was engineered so that its tissues contain a Bt toxin insecticide intended to kill insect pests that feed on the crop.
Thirty male rats were divided into three feeding groups of 10 rats per group. The first group was fed a standard laboratory corn-containing diet. A second group – the control group – was fed a diet containing 30% of non-GM Ajeeb corn. The third group was fed a diet of 30% of GM MON810: Ajeeb YG corn. The GM and non-GM corn grains were milled into flour before being incorporated into the feed.
The body weight of each rat was recorded weekly. Animals were sacrificed and examined after 45 days and 91 days of feeding the different diets. Organs were weighed, blood samples taken, and serum analyzed. The results were written up in the first publication.1
Histopathological analysis (microscopic examination of tissues) was carried out on the liver, kidney, testes, spleen and small intestine of rats sacrificed at both time points to check for abnormalities. These results were written up in the second publication.2

Findings: Body and organ weights

The GM-fed animals showed differences in body and organ weights, compared with the control rats (see Tables 2 and 3 in the first publication1):

  • From the seventh week of the experiment, the body weight of rats in the GM-fed group was lower than that of rats in the non-GM-fed and standard lab diet-fed groups.
  • After 91 days of feeding, the heart weight was significantly higher in the GM-fed group than the non-GM-fed group.
  • Kidney weight was significantly higher in the GM-fed group compared with non-GM-fed and standard lab diet groups, in both study periods. Liver weight was significantly higher in the GM-fed group than the non-GM-fed and standard lab diet groups, in the 91-day period.
  • Spleen weight was significantly different in the GM-fed group in both study periods (at 45 days it was higher, and at 91 days it was lower compared with the other groups).
  • Testes weight of the GM-fed group was lower than non-GM-fed and control groups after 45 days but no difference was found at 91 days.1

Such differences in body and organ weights can indicate that the GM diet was toxic. This was confirmed to be the case in the histopathological findings presented in the second publication.2

Findings: Differences in blood biochemistry

The GM-fed animals showed differences in blood biochemistry, compared with the control rats (see Tables 4 and 5 in the first publication1):

  • Serum levels of uric acid, urea and creatinine (a waste product from breakdown of muscle tissue) were significantly higher in the GM-fed group compared with the non-GM-fed and standard diet groups, at both 45 and 91 days. These substances are measurements of kidney function. The higher levels in the GM-fed group suggest impaired kidney function.
  • Serum levels of triglycerides (a type of fat) were significantly higher in the GM-fed group compared with the non-GM-fed and standard diet groups after both 45 and 91 days. High levels of blood triglycerides can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • Serum albumin, which is generated from the liver, was significantly lower in the GM-fed group in both study periods compared with the non-GM-fed and standard diet groups. This suggests compromised liver function.
  • Serum levels of the liver enzyme ALP (alkaline phosphatase) were significantly higher in the GM-fed group in both study periods compared with the non-GM-fed and standard diet groups. Serum levels of the liver enzyme ALT (alanine transaminase) were significantly higher at 91 days in the GM-fed group compared with the non-GM-fed and standard diet groups. These changes in ALP and ALT imply liver structural damage in the GM-fed group, since these enzymes leak into the blood circulation when liver cells die and break up.
  • Serum levels of VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein) were significantly higher in both study periods in the GM-fed group compared with the non-GM-fed and standard diet groups. Such alterations in blood lipid (fat) levels can lead to a variety of disorders, including cardiovascular disease.1

The authors noted that these changes could indicate “potential adverse health/toxic effects”, which need further investigation.1

Findings: Histopathological abnormalities

The same group of researchers performed histopathological (microscopic) investigations of the rats fed over the 45 and 91-day study periods and reported the results in a separate publication.2 They found toxic effects in several organs of the rats fed the GM corn. Abnormalities found in the GM-fed animals (but not in the non-GM-fed or standard diet-fed animals) included:

  • Vacuolation (formation of storage structures – for example, of fatty compounds) in liver cells, indicating liver damage
  • Fatty degeneration of liver cells
  • Congestion of blood vessels in kidneys and cystic malformations of kidney tubules – signs of possible impending kidney failure
  • Excessive growth and necrosis (death) of intestinal structures called villi
  • Examination of the testes revealed necrosis and desquamation (shedding) of the spermatogonial cells that are the precursors of sperm cells and thus the foundation of male fertility.2

The authors of the study concluded, “Due to these observations, we suggest that the risk of GM crops cannot be ignored and deserves further investigations in order to identify possible long-term effects, if any, of GM food consumption.”2


Q: What is the relevance to human health?
A: Among the negative health impacts seen in the GM-fed rats that are relevant to humans were liver damage and impaired kidney function. Indications of liver damage included elevated serum triglycerides (a type of fat) and vacuolation (an abnormality consisting of the formation of storage structures) and fatty degeneration of liver cells. These are all signs of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a modern epidemic in humans that now affects one in three Americans. NAFLD is the most common form of liver disease in children and has almost doubled over the past 20 years.3 Chronic kidney disease affects 14% of Americans.4
The relevance to humans of the particular gut abnormalities found in the GM-fed rats is not known, except to say that excessive growth in the villi of the small intestine may pre-dispose a person to the onset of cancer. It is not known if the necrosis seen in the rats’ intestinal villi would translate in humans as a “leaky gut”, a condition involving intestinal permeability that some physicians link to inflammatory diseases.
Q: What caused the effects seen in the GM-fed rats?
A: In line with best practice for GMO feeding trials, the non-GM control corn was “isogenic” to the GM corn. “Isogenic” means having the same genetic background as the GM corn but without the genetic modification. Moreover, the two corn varieties were grown at the same time and under the same conditions, with the same field management practices.5 This means that the changes seen in the GM-fed rats were due to changes in the corn caused by the genetic modification, and not by different environmental conditions or field management practices during cultivation.
It is not known, however, whether the toxicity found from the consumption of the GM corn was due to the presence of the introduced Bt toxin or to some unintended changes brought about by the GM process. This is a limitation common to the vast majority of animal feeding studies that find harm from GMOs. For example, animal feeding studies on GM Bt crops are not designed to distinguish between toxicity arising from the Bt toxin and from other components of the GM crop that have been unintentionally altered by the GM transformation process.
In order to distinguish between whether the toxicity observed is due to the engineered Bt toxin or GM process-induced changes, a group of animals consuming a diet consisting of the non-GM corn with added Bt toxin at the same level as that found in the GM corn would need to be included. In addition, to ensure equivalence to the GM diet, this would require that the Bt toxin be isolated from the GM corn and then added to the non-GM corn. Such isolation of the GM Bt toxin is difficult, which is why such a control group is not included in animal feeding studies.
Q: How do the findings relate to those of other studies?
A: The abnormalities in the intestinal villi of the GM-fed animals are in line with the findings of other studies. For example, in one study, mice fed GM Bt potatoes had excessive cell growth and cellular abnormalities in the villi of the small intestine (Fares and El-Sayed, 1998).6 In another study, rats fed GM potatoes expressing a different insecticidal protein (Galanthus nivalis lectin or GNA for short) had excessive cell growth in the small and large intestines (Ewen and Pusztai, 1999),7 suggestive of a pre-cancerous condition.
Signs of liver and kidney toxicity were also identified in a review of 90-day industry-sponsored rat feeding studies on two GM Bt corn varieties (De Vendomois and colleagues, 2009).8 And in a three-generation study, rats fed GM Bt corn showed damage to liver and kidneys and alterations in blood biochemistry (Kilic and Akay, 2008).9
Q: Doesn’t the EU-funded GMO90+ study contradict the findings of this study?
A: An EU-funded study (Coumoul and colleagues, 2018) called GMO90+ tested GM MON810 corn in Wistar rats over a 6-month period and reported “no adverse effect” from the GM diet, compared with the non-GM isogenic variety.10
However, this study10 is different in design and interpretation from the study by Gab-Alla and colleagues1 and El-Shamei and colleagues2 and thus is not comparable. First, regarding design, although the two studies evaluated GM corn with the same GM transformation “event” (MON810), this was present in different background genetics of the corn varieties, which means that they are not comparable. Thus the results obtained from one study do not “cancel out” the results from the other.
Second, and most crucially, the difference in interpretation is that in the EU-funded study, a number of statistically significant differences were found in the GM-fed rats, but the authors dismissed them as not biologically relevant, without scientific justification.10 In reality, the only way to know if these changes were biologically relevant is to extend the study length beyond 6 months to two years or more. This would give time for any long-term health effects to fully manifest. In contrast, and in line with good scientific practice, Gab-Alla and colleagues1 and El-Shamei and colleagues2 did not dismiss significant differences in the GM-fed rats, but took them seriously.
In addition, in the EU-funded study, all of the feeds used, including the control feeds, were equally contaminated with residues of the herbicide ingredient glyphosate.10 This could add “data noise” to the results, meaning that any changes due to the GM element of the diet might have been masked.
Q: What are the limitations of the study length?
A. The study investigated the health of the rats over two periods: 45 days and 91 days. The latter is equivalent to only around 9 years in a human.11 Significant damage to the GM-fed rats’ organs was found even in this relatively short period. However, people could eat a GM food over their entire lives, so long-term (2-year) animal feeding studies should be carried out to see if the changes found in the GM-fed rats in this experiment develop into even more serious illness or shortened lifespans.
Q: Was there an adequate number of rats in the study?
A: There is no agreed standard for the numbers of rats that should be included in each group in GMO feeding studies. However, the number used in this experiment (10 per group) is comparable to that in studies that are often used to claim that GMOs are safe.12 It is also comparable to the number (typically varying between 5 and 20) used by GMO companies in studies to support regulatory approvals.13
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which sets international standards for the animal testing of chemicals to support regulatory approvals, recommends 20 animals per sex per group for a medium-term toxicity study of the length of this one. However, only 10 animals per sex per group (50%) have to be analyzed for blood and urine chemistry14 – the same number that were analyzed in this study. Thus the study gathered data from the same number of rats as the OECD norm, but unlike the OECD recommendation, 100% of the animals were analyzed. This is a superior methodology to analyzing only 50% of animals, as “selection bias” (choosing which animals to analyze or record data from) is impossible.
Q: All the rats tested were male. Is this a limitation?
A: Ideally both sexes should be included, as GM corn has been found in industry-sponsored feeding studies to affect males and females in different ways.8 However, this study in males only still gives valuable information.
Q: Is the GM crop tested in this experiment typical of GM crops on the market today?
A: This experiment tested a single-trait GM crop, but most GM crops currently on the market contain multiple (“stacked”) traits – for example, several different Bt toxins and genes conferring herbicide tolerance. Future animal feeding studies should focus on the newer stacked trait crops, grown with the herbicides and other chemicals that are typically used in the cultivation cycle.

1. Gab-Alla AA, El-Shamei ZS, Shatta AA, Moussa EA, Rayan AM. Morphological and biochemical changes in male rats fed on genetically modified corn (Ajeeb YG). J Am Sci. 2012;8(9):1117–1123. Accessed January 14, 2014.
2. El-Shamei ZS, Gab-Alla AA, Shatta AA, Moussa EA, Rayan AM. Histopathological changes in some organs of male rats fed on genetically modified corn (Ajeeb YG). J Am Sci. 2012;8(10):684–696. Accessed January 14, 2014.
3. American Liver Foundation. ALF NAFLD and NASH Overview 2018.; 2018.
4. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Kidney disease statistics for the United States. Published 2016. Accessed February 18, 2019.
5. Shatta AA, Rayan AM, El-Shamei ZS, Gab-Alla AA, Moussa EA. Comparative study of the physicochemical characteristics of oil from transgenic corn (Ajeeb YG) with its non-transgenic counterpart. Austin Food Sci. 2016;1(5):1023. Accessed February 3, 2019.
6. Fares NH, El-Sayed AK. Fine structural changes in the ileum of mice fed on delta-endotoxin-treated potatoes and transgenic potatoes. Nat Toxins. 1998;6(6):219-233.
7. Ewen SW, Pusztai A. Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine. Lancet. 1999;354(9187):1353-1354. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(98)05860-7
8. De Vendomois JS, Roullier F, Cellier D, Séralini GE. A comparison of the effects of three GM corn varieties on mammalian health. Int J Biol Sci. 2009;5:706–26.
9. Kilic A, Akay MT. A three generation study with genetically modified Bt corn in rats: Biochemical and histopathological investigation. Food Chem Toxicol. 2008;46:1164–70. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2007.11.016
10. Coumoul X, Servien R, Juricek L, et al. The GMO90+ project: absence of evidence for biologically meaningful effects of genetically modified maize based-diets on Wistar rats after 6-months feeding comparative trial. Toxicol Sci. 2018. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfy298
11. Sengupta P. The laboratory rat: Relating its age with human’s. Int J Prev Med. 2013;4(6):624-630. Accessed January 13, 2019.
12. Snell C, Aude B, Bergé J, et al. Assessment of the health impact of GM plant diets in long-term and multigenerational animal feeding trials: A literature review. Food Chem Toxicol. 2012;50(3–4):1134-1148.
13. Ricroch AE, Boisron A, Kuntz M. Looking back at safety assessment of GM food/feed: an exhaustive review of 90-day animal feeding studies. Int J Biotechnol. 2014;13(4):230-256. doi:10.1504/IJBT.2014.068940
14. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). OECD guideline no. 408 for the testing of chemicals: Repeated dose 90-day oral toxicity study in rodents: Adopted 21 September 1998. 1998.

Regulation of Genetically Engineered Foods Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:01:30 +0000 In the US, genetically engineered (GE) organisms are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Department of Agricultural (USDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Since the first commercialization of GE foods, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has produced three major reports addressing the applications, risks, and benefits of GE crops and foods. A fourth comprehensive report is expected in the spring of 2016. The most recent, detailed NAS report addressing issues of food safety and human health was published in 2004.
While the NAS recognizes that genetic engineering has potentially hazardous unexpected and unintended consequences, it nonetheless states that it “is not aware of any evidence that foods on the market are unsafe to eat as a result of genetic modification” (2004 report, p. 9, bold in original). Every NAS report includes a statement to this effect, along with assurances that GE foods on the market as of 2004 pose, to the knowledge of the committees writing the reports, no different or more serious human health risks than non-engineered foods.
The absence of evidence of any food safety or nutritional risks would be reassuring if GE foods had been tested thoroughly and in accordance with the testing protocols suggested by the NAS, the international Codex Alimentarius Commission, and the many other expert bodies that have issued detailed recommendations for the testing of GE foods, both before market approval and post-commercialization. Unfortunately, not a single GE crop or food on the market today has been tested according to such recommendations.
The 2004 NAS committee offered many common-sense recommendations to improve the science base supporting GE crop and food risk assessment. These include reevaluating current research methodologies, developing new tools to assess the risk of GE foods producing novel allergens and toxins, and creating post-market evaluation tools and programs.
We hope that the NAS Committee will address the following critical points when it carries out its 2015-2016 evaluation of GE food testing, risk assessment, and regulation:

  1. The reasons why the recommendations from the 2004 and earlier NAS reports have gone largely unheeded, and why state-of-the-art risk assessment science has not been applied to today’s GE foods.
  2. The fact that in the years ahead, with the recent approvals of GE sweet corn, Bt eggplant, Arctic apples, Innate potatoes and AquaAdvantage salmon (although very few Americans have consumed these foods yet, with the exception of GE sweet corn which has been commercially significant in the US for only a few years), people will now begin to consume GE foods in forms likely to contain intact GE proteins.
  3. The worrisome gap in knowledge regarding the potential for “cross-talk” between multiple regulatory genes and sequences created by stacking traits. For several years, most GE corn varieties, for instance, have contained multiple, “stacked” traits, and one popular brand, SmartStax, contains eight (two herbicide-tolerant traits, and six Bt traits). Such unintended impacts could increase the level of known or new allergens and/or toxins.
  4. The importance of including the synergistic effects of the transgene(s), its expression, and the pesticides normally used on the crop – including the so-called inert ingredients incorporated in a given pesticide formulation – in safety evaluations and risk assessments.

The present acceptance of GE crops and foods rests on several questionable assumptions and assertions, including the belief that the FDA “approval” process is thorough and independent. It is neither. In fact, the FDA never really “approves” a GE food: it simply accepts assertions made by technology developers during the course of a “voluntary consultation.”

The FDA approval process

The FDA review process is based almost entirely on industry-sponsored studies. Information in the open, peer-reviewed scientific literature is often ignored or discounted.
The FDA does not conduct any original research or risk assessments on a newly proposed GE food. Nor does it conduct an independent assessment of the conclusions reached by technology developers and expressed in the “voluntary consultation” packages submitted to it.
When submitting a “voluntary consultation” package to the FDA, a company:

  1. Summarizes their own safety assessment.
  2. Asserts that the GE trait produces food that is “substantially equivalent” to the non-GE counterpart (often referred to as an “isoline”).
  3. States their conclusion that the GE food poses no new or more serious food safety or nutrition-related risk compared to non-engineered food.

The FDA simply accepts the data that the company has generated, along with its conclusions regarding safety. The agency does alert technology developers that they are responsible for informing it if they become aware of any data suggesting that the GE food might not be “substantially equivalent” or as safe as non-engineered food.
One need look no further than the typical letter that the FDA sends to a technology developer when it closes out – i.e., “approves” – a new GE food technology. In a 1996 letter to Monsanto, for instance, the FDA states,
Based on the safety and nutritional assessment [Monsanto has] conducted, it is our understanding that Monsanto has concluded that corn grain and forage derived from the new variety are not materially different in composition, safety, or other relevant parameters from corn grain and forage currently on the market, and that they do not raise issues that would require premarket review or approval by FDA. (FDA website)
Because the technology developer has concluded that the FDA does not need to conduct a premarket review, and because the FDA accepts that conclusion, the FDA has no substantive basis on which to “approve” the technology. The FDA “approval” is really an exemption from the standard FDA risk assessment process, and is, regrettably, only a small step removed from a free pass.
These are among the key reasons that we hope the ongoing NAS report on the health and safety of GE crops will examine in detail the FDA review process and recommend ways to strengthen it. In the following, we propose alternatives and evaluate the likely impact of the solutions that others have suggested.
For example, the FDA needs to ensure that the toxicological tests conducted are of sufficient duration and quality to rule out, or identify, potential food safety risks. The process also badly needs, and will benefit from, a greater level of independence and oversight by scientists not affiliated with or supported by technology developers.

Have GE crops been thoroughly tested?

The claim is often made that GE-food technology has undergone extremely thorough testing. A simple comparison of the number of available health impact studies shows otherwise. More than 11,000 citations can easily be found on DDT, and more than 3,000 on the insecticides chlorpyrifos and parathion and on the herbicides atrazine and 2,4-D. There are more than 1,500 studies on glyphosate. There are hundreds of thousands of health-impact studies on “all pesticides,” a class of agricultural technology roughly equivalent to “all GE crops.”
In comparison, there are only a few hundred studies designed to identify and/or quantify human health risks from consumption of GE food. An exhaustive review of the health effects of transgenic foods published in 2011 yielded a total of 75 studies covering GE potato, corn, maize, soybeans, rice, cassava, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, and many other crops. Most of these studies were carried out for fewer than 91 days. For each of the above crops, there are several commercially significant transgenic events, most of which have been studied by scientists working for technology developers.
There are other categories of agricultural technology that have been examined in much greater depth than GE crops. Indisputable examples are antibiotics used for disease prevention and growth promotion, food additives, hormones used to accelerate animal growth or production, and food colors.
It would be closer to the truth for the NAS to state that GE foods are among the least well-tested agricultural technologies ever adopted.
The testing of GE crops poses significant challenges, including difficulty in ensuring that control animals in fact receive feed that is free of GE ingredients and that the Bt proteins used in animal feeding studies are, in fact, identical to the ones expressed in Bt-transgenic crops (the latter is often not the case, because of the cost of extracting enough Bt proteins from plants to run an animal feed experiment).
In spite of these difficulties, some animal feeding studies to test GE crops have revealed worrisome adverse health impacts and evidence of progress toward chronic disease. However, the US government has never funded research to follow up on experiments reporting adverse impacts, nor has it pushed forward the boundaries of scientific knowledge by trying to develop new tools to understand the mechanisms in transgenic plants through which novel allergens or toxins might be formed, detected, and studied for potential toxicity.

Substantial equivalence

Although the term “substantially equivalent” has been repeatedly used to justify the paucity of nutritional and food safety research on foods from GE crops, it is not subject to a rigorous scientific definition, nor does it encompass careful research on all compositional parameters and nutrient levels that might impact animal health.
In fact, studies of GE crops and their isolines grown in properly designed, side-by-side trials in multiple locations often show statistically significant differences in the levels of many nutrients. Technology developers, however, have argued that these differences should be dismissed as “biologically not meaningful” because they fall within the range of natural variation for the crop in question. It is time to define the concept of “substantial equivalence” much more rigorously in order to gain a more reliable, science-based understanding of the impacts of genetic engineering technology on agriculture.

Crops with stacked traits

Most GE corn varieties contain stacked traits. However, we are aware of only very few studies designed to test the question of whether unique risks arise as a result of stacking traits in a given cultivar. The FDA has adopted the position that if each trait is presumed safe individually, then combinations of traits will also be safe.
Until much needed science is carried out to determine whether FDA’s position on this issue is reasonable, the FDA “approval” process for GE crops/foods with stacked traits rests more on wishful thinking than on science.

Increased availability of transgenic products

We raise specific concerns over the introduction of three-trait sweet corn in the US which contains three GE traits and Bt eggplant internationally (although not yet in the US). EPA approval of Bt corn, both sweet corn and field corn, is based on data showing that Bt endotoxins are not acutely toxic to mammals and suggesting that they could be rapidly broken down in the mammalian GI tract.
However, transgenic Bt toxins can and do enter the bloodstream intact before they get to the stomach, via the gums, tongue, and throat in ways similar to sublingual medications (e.g., a pill placed under one’s tongue).
Moreover, while Bt endotoxins break down in the human stomach, very little research has been done to assess the type of elements they break down into, and whether fragments of Bt toxins might irritate the inner lining of the human GI tract. Such concern is grounded in an appreciation of the way activated Bt toxins attach to, and then create holes in, the stomachs of susceptible insects.
Furthermore, the experiment used to demonstrate Bt toxin destruction in the stomach is an in vitro assay at a highly acidic pH that does not duplicate stomach conditions for the millions of Americans on certain acid-reducing medications.
Chronic exposure to Bt toxins via crops that are ingested in minimally processed forms (such as sweet corn and eggplant) is therefore more likely to result in Bt toxins, or fragments thereof, entering the bloodstream. These fragments may then reach vital organs that might be vulnerable to such exposures, the effects of which have not been studied. We cannot responsibly accept the assertion that the consumption of these foods is safe for all humans. Such assertions might well prove correct in many, or even most cases, but for some others, particularly among individuals dealing with other, chronic conditions, or who are much more heavily exposed to GE proteins occupationally or through their diet, they may well not.

Further considerations: weed and insect resistance

Weed resistance is emerging as a critical concern for farmers planting GE, Roundup Ready® crops. The seed industry has responded by creating corn, soybean, and cotton plants genetically engineered to be tolerant of both glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup ®) and 2,4-D, or glyphosate and dicamba. Glyphosate and 2,4-D have been combined by Dow AgroSciences into the new product Enlist Duo®. The EPA approved the registration of Enlist Duo® in late 2014, but recently asked a court to reverse the approval, in effect banning any commercial use of the product until a set of issues involving impacts on non-target plants and endangered species are resolved.
When the EPA was first asked to approve GE Bt corn and cotton, the agency immediately recognized the risk of triggering the emergence of Bt-resistant insects. The EPA was also well aware, as were farmers, environmentalists, and ecologists, that the many natural forms of Bt play an absolutely critical role in soil food webs and in microbial biocontrol in the soil.
Moreover, several natural strains of Bt are incorporated in liquid bioinsecticides that are the backbone of Lepidopteran insect-control programs on many conventional and organic vegetable farms. Industry, farmers, environmentalists, and the EPA all agreed that the loss of Bt efficacy to resistance would be extremely costly and damaging and that strong, preventive measures should be taken if and as transgenic Bt crops were planted.
Hence, the initial approvals of Bt corn and cotton were accompanied by mandatory resistance management practices recommended by independent, mostly academic entomologists. For many years, this proactive approach worked as hoped, and the effectiveness of transgenic Bt corn and cotton did not start breaking down until industry pressure convinced the EPA to relax the preventive measures.
But in the early 1990s, when considering the first applications to approve Roundup Ready® crops, the EPA did not feel that mandatory resistance-risk prevention measures were warranted, even though the agency recognized that herbicide-tolerant crop technology would greatly increase the risk of Roundup-resistant weeds becoming a serious problem for farmers—a situation analogous to the development of Bt-resistant insects.
Why the difference in the way the EPA addressed the risk of resistance in the case of Bt crops versus herbicide-tolerant crops? In the case of Bt crops, the concern was about the future efficacy of a natural bioinsecticide of enormous value to all farmers, and indeed humankind. Since it was clear to just about everyone at the time that no company had the right to jeopardize the biological utility of such an important natural resource, the EPA felt justified in imposing mandatory resistance management practices.
But in the case of Roundup Ready® crops and their associated herbicide, glyphosate, the EPA left the management of glyphosate resistance to the manufacturer, concluding that they would believe it in their best interest to preserve the efficacy of their product.
In retrospect, the decision to leave glyphosate resistance management to market forces was one of the most costly and damaging decisions made in the 40-year history of the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs.


In the US, foods from GE crops are not labeled as such. This impedes efforts by doctors and epidemiologists to trace any possible connections between consumption of GE foods and adverse health outcomes. Some consumers support labeling because of religious or cultural norms, while others want labeling so they can preferentially seek out or avoid GE foods. Consumer surveys consistently show 85% or more support for GE-food labeling.
Labeling also comes into play in an important way in the flow of agricultural commodities in world markets. Nearly 70 countries have made international sales of non-labeled GE crops illegal. The decision by a country, or a company, to not label GE food fosters mistrust, which can be costly when trying to secure or hold export market share.
Because of the need for labeling to conduct post-approval market surveillance and secure and retain access to many sensitive foreign markets, it is only a matter of time before all foods derived from US-grown GE crops will be labeled. In the interim, expect a lively debate over what sorts of labels should be required, who should impose the requirements, and who should oversee compliance (public versus private entity; states vs. the federal government).

Overcoming objections to GE foods

Several major changes in the way GE crops and foods are tested, analyzed, regulated, and marketed are going to be necessary to improve market acceptance. Substantial progress will take time, consistency, and transparency. Essential building blocks needed to resolve lingering risk assessment issues and gain consumer trust and acceptance include:

  1. Labeling of GE foods and associated public information campaigns.
  2. Risk assessment that conforms to a high standard of excellence. Given our present understanding, such assessment ought to include cutting-edge techniques, e.g. genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, immune system parameters, as well as siRNA/miRNA profiling.
  3. Long-term animal-feeding studies. These should include multiple arms of investigation addressing toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproduction, and multigenerational effects, several physiologically relevant doses, and comparisons to isogenic, non-GMO-only controls. This testing should be based on real-world conditions, including the use of formulated pesticides where relevant.
  4. Long-term studies that define toxicokinetics and produce information sufficient to complete a comprehensive anatomical, histological, physiological, and biochemical analysis of major organs, blood, and urine.
  5. Post-market surveillance similar to that available for new medications. Until much more is known about the human health risks posed by GE crops, post-market surveillance must be carefully structured as part of government approval, and particular consideration should be accorded to the ways in which it will be carried out and paid for.

A transparent, comprehensive effort, demonstrating a real commitment to discovering harmful effects, if any, should be undertaken. In health care, we well understand the directive to “do no harm.” This should also pervade regulatory decision-making—especially when it comes to human food. Many members of the public erroneously believe that government agencies are acting in accordance with this directive in the case of agricultural biotechnology. We wish it were true and, because it is not, we will work to make it so.
For more information on this topic:
Druker, S. 2015. Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the venture to genetically engineer our food has subverted science, corrupted government and systematically deceived the public. Clear River Press.
© 2015 GMO Science. All Rights Reserved

Are all forms of Bt toxin safe? Mon, 10 Aug 2015 12:20:52 +0000

There are many types of Bt toxin in the wild and in genetically engineered plants; research has raised safety concerns relating to some of them. Declaring them all safe is premature, and here’s why.

Thus far, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded that all Bt endotoxins expressed in genetically engineered (GE) plants meet the basic, statutory safety standard – “reasonable certainty of no harm” – following the expected exposures when people consume foods harvested from, and/or made with, GE, Bt-crops. In reaching this conclusion, the EPA makes three different assessments in order to assure that three basic criteria are satisfied. It describes its approach in assessing Bt crop safety as follows:
“Several types of data are required for the Bt plant-incorporated protectants to provide a reasonable certainty that no harm will result from the aggregate exposure to these proteins. The information is intended to show that the Bt protein behaves as would be expected of a dietary protein, is not structurally related to any known food allergen or protein toxin, and does not display any oral toxicity when administered at high doses. These data consist of an in vitro digestion assay, amino acid sequence homology comparisons and an acute oral toxicity test [italics added].”[1]
Our review of the scientific literature supports some aspects of the EPA’s assessment, but not all.
First, some Bt proteins appear to enter the mammalian blood stream. From there they would be able to move into various organs and cause harm.
Second, the EPA assumes that Bt proteins break down very rapidly due to the highly acidic conditions in the human stomach and that these fragments are harmless. The agency pays little attention to a number of abnormal but common stomach conditions known to retard the breakdown of Bt endotoxins. It also ignores the portion of Bt toxins that directly enter the bloodstream via the mouth and tongue.
Third, little or no effort has been invested in studying the toxic properties or allergenicity (potential to cause allergies) of the fragments of Bt toxins. The smaller, truncated Bt proteins produced in GE plants could bind to cells lining the human gut and thereby affect a number of physiological functions.
This lax approach in assessing Bt endotoxin risk is in stark contrast with the thorough and rigorous evaluation EPA scientists conduct in tracing the breakdown products of chemical pesticides in the food supply.
Legitimate questions have been raised about the true fate of Bt toxin in vivo (i.e., in the stomach of a live person)[2] and also about chronic (as opposed to acute) toxicity related to repeated ingestion of Bt toxin. There are also legitimate concerns arising from the fact that the Bt toxins used in the acute oral toxicity tests required by the EPA are not identical to the ones expressed by GE plants.

What Bt toxins are produced in GE plants?

Bt toxins, which are used in agriculture because they are deadly to certain insects, are produced by various strains of a soil bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). There are many strains of this bacterium, and each produces a different toxin.[3] Each Bt toxin is made up of a so-called “crystal” protein. A Bt toxin may also have a second protein called a “cytotoxic” protein. Through genetic engineering, a gene coding for a crystal (Cry) protein toxin is isolated from a strain of B. thuringiensis; after being manipulated in a laboratory to maximize expression in a GE plant, the gene is inserted into the genome of the recipient plant.
Some have argued that since some Bt toxins are allowed in organic farming, there should be no concern about food derived from plants expressing Bt toxins. However, there are important differences between the Bt toxins sprayed for decades on the leaves of organic and conventional crops to protect them from certain insects and the Bt toxins expressed inside the cells of GE crop plants. These differences have an enormous impact on dietary exposures and, hence, on safety assessments.
Some differences relate to the modifications made to the original bacterial genes that allow the plants to manufacture an activated form of the Bt toxins. These modifications are made in a laboratory prior to transfer into the recipient crop, in part because the original, native bacterial genes are more complex and difficult to move into plants, and also because plants have to expend more energy to produce the untruncated form of Bt emitted by soil bacteria.
Other important differences between GE-Bt crops and non-GE crops sprayed with a liquid Bt bioinsecticide result in a significant change in the degree of risk of dietary exposure:
1) Bt sprayed in liquid form on the leaves of plants breaks down quickly (almost always within 48 hours), and hence rarely even gets onto the harvested portion of the crop. But GE-Bt endotoxins inside corn plant cells – roots, stems, leaves, corn cobs, pollen, and kernels – are protected from the sun, rainfall, and other elements that rapidly break down the Bt in liquid sprays. Bt endotoxins can persist for months inside corn crop residues, as well as harvested kernels.
2) This results in another difference between Bt sprays and Bt GE plants: Spores, sprayed on vegetables can be washed off; Bt toxins inside food cannot.
3) Bt liquid sprays are applied at a very low rate per acre, rarely amounting to more than 0.01 pound of Bt toxin per application. GE corn plants, on the other hand, produce between 0.1 and nearly 4 pounds of 1 to 6 different Bt toxins per acre. (Fruit and vegetable farmers often spray liquid Bt products 3, 5, or even 8 times in a growing season. Accordingly, multiple applications of Bt must be taken into account when comparing the total volume of Bt, by weight, applied per acre on conventional corn crops, versus the volume of Bt endotoxins expressed by the GE-Bt corn plants growing on an acre over a full growing season.)
The significance of these differences between native Bt toxins and the GE-Bt toxins for human health in the long term are not known because safety testing for chronic effects has not been required by the EPA[4] and very little funding from government science agencies has been made available to independent scientists interested in refining Bt endotoxin exposure and risk assessments.
What is more, there has been almost no safety testing of the Bt toxins expressed in GE plants, neither on one toxin at a time nor (even less so) on the common combinations of Bt endotoxins found in today’s commercial Bt corn and Bt sweetcorn varieties.[5]
In short, today’s lax regulatory treatment of Bt crops rests on assumptions no longer consistent with well-documented science. The risks arising from modern GE-Bt varieties expressing multiple Bt genes are assumed by the Food and Drug Administration to be no different from risks arising from exposure to one Bt toxin at a time.

How do Bt toxins kill insects?

Cry proteins work by targeting a receptor in the gut of certain insect larva.[6] After binding to the toxin, the intestinal wall becomes damaged, causing liquids in the stomach to leak into the body cavity. Impacted insects become dehydrated, stop feeding, and die.
Because different Cry toxins bind to different receptors on the surface of cells in the insect gut, and target different species of insects, crops can be engineered to poison the insects most likely to damage that particular crop. For example, one set of Cry proteins introduced into corn plants helps control the European corn borer and other insects attacking corn stalks, while another class of Bt toxins targets the corn rootworm and other soil-dwelling insects that attack corn roots.
Since there is no required safety testing, it is unknown whether they bind to receptors on the surface of human cells, in particular those of the gut, or affect them in any other way.

Bt toxins are not selective enough

In 1998 a team of researchers from Egypt reported the results of tests of the Bt toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki on mice.[7] They divided mice into three groups: one (the control group) was fed non-GE potatoes, the second was fed genetically altered potatoes expressing the toxin, and the third ate non-GE potatoes sprayed with the toxin.
The three groups were sacrificed and their intestines were examined using an electron microscope. Remember, Bt toxins target insect larva guts – mice are mammals and therefore should be unaffected. The mice who were fed unmodified potatoes sprayed with the toxin were clearly the most severely impacted. Their intestines showed changes that would impair the nutrient absorption. Mice who were fed the genetically modified potato that expressed the Cry protein also had a few harmful cellular changes (damaged mitochondria, for example). Although a statistically significant conclusion was not reached for that specific finding, these changes signal the need for further study.
This variety of potato is not available on the market, but the study makes it clear that we cannot be reassured that Cry proteins have effects only on insects.
The results of this study are consistent with the conclusion that this particular Bt toxin can be harmful to mammals. We must study each new version of Bt toxin that is applied to our food crops to determine if it affects the human intestines and pay particular attention to those Bt crops that express relatively high levels of multiple Bt toxins in the harvested part of the crop that is eaten in various forms by people, farm animals, and pets.

Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac

In a study published in 2012, rats that had been fed for 3 months on GE corn expressing a specific crystal protein called Cry1Ab were found to have damaged intestinal surfaces, as well as damage in major organs including the liver, kidneys, and testes.[8]
Another recent study on offspring of sows fed GE corn expressing Cry1Ab showed changes in the microscopic appearance of the gut.[9] While the authors of this study state in the abstract of this paper that this GE corn is not harmful, the body of their paper does in fact document statistically significant differences in gut health, liver and spleen size, and weight gain. (Please note that claims of safety are often made in the abstracts of peer-reviewed scientific papers, despite the presence of worrisome results in the main body of the text.)
A study of mice fed GE corn expressing Cry1Ab documented changes in the immune function of the gut.[10] As a large portion of the human immune system operates in the gut and the gut is critical to the proper development of the immune system, we would expect these changes to affect health.[11] 
GE food crops expressing Cry1Ac have also been implicated in altering immune function. The toxin Cry1Ac was found to bind to receptors in the mouse intestinal mucosa,[12] raising the possibility that this Bt toxin may have a clinically relevant effect on mammals. Cry1Ac was also found to cause a stimulation of the immune system in mice similar to that caused by the cholera toxin.[13] The EPA noted these findings in their document declaring that these toxins were safe for humans. However, they had a different interpretation of the findings and also did not remark on later research by the same authors suggesting that Cry1Ac co-administered with another food protein increases the chance of allergy to the other food protein.[14]
These results raise concerns for physicians. A substance that injures the intestinal mucosa and modifies the activity of the immune system would be expected to play a role, likely negative, in health and disease.
The studies mentioned above contradict the notion that GE crops expressing Bt toxins have been decisively shown to be safe for human or other animal consumption. Our conclusion, based on these studies, is that the Bt toxins that are produced in various GE food crops can, at least in some cases, cause harm to the intestines, which could adversely affect the immune systems of mammals.
Given the damage seen in mice fed GE potatoes, and in rats, mice, and pigs fed GE-Bt corn, it would be prudent to test the intestines of mammals fed Bt crops for extended periods. There has been nowhere near enough high-quality independent science focused on the effects of Bt toxins on the mammalian gastrointestinal tract and immune system, yet several next-generation Bt fruit and vegetable crops are under development around the world.

Bt toxins are likely not completely broken down in mammalian guts

In a 2010 in vitro study, a group of French scientists showed that Cry1Ab proteins are extensively degraded only at an extremely low pH typically used in toxicology experiments (pH 1.2), that they are only slightly degraded at pH 2.0, and are stable at the slightly higher pH that is not uncommon for the human stomach.[15] Thus, Cry1Ab toxins would be expected to be stable (not degraded) in the stomachs of many people taking medications that lower stomach acid to a gastric pH above 4.[16] This could adversely affect their intestines and could even result in Bt toxins circulating in the bloodstream.
In 2011, a study by Canadian scientists documented the presence of herbicide metabolites and Cry1Ab in the blood of pregnant women and the umbilical cord blood of their newborns.[17] These results were unexpected and controversial, because it was previously believed that these compounds remain in the gut, are excreted in the stool, and are not absorbed into the bloodstream. The study was criticized in part because the probe the researchers used to identify Cry1Ab may have identified only a fragment of Cry1Ab, not necessarily the intact form of the protein present in Bt sprays or GE crops. This one study does not prove that functional forms of Bt toxin are typically present in the human bloodstream, but it does raise questions that need to be explored using more sensitive and rigorous study designs.

Combinations of chemicals

Lastly, the fact that Bt toxins have not been studied in combination with other chemicals commonly found in or applied to GE plants also raises concerns. For example, corn varieties are frequently genetically engineered to be both Roundup Ready® and express multiple Bt toxins. In one study in which this combination was analyzed, results indicated that applying Roundup® herbicide on GE-Bt corn plants modified the effects of Cry1Ab toxins, but not those of Cry1Ac.[18] Evidently, unintended interactions can occur between proteins expressed in GE plants and the chemicals applied to them.
Conclusion: Certain Bt toxins such as Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac have been found to adversely impact mammals. The claim that all Bt toxins are safe for humans and other animals is therefore not based on a comprehensive review of the available scientific evidence. Furthermore, breakdown products of Cry1Ab – at the very least – have been identified in human blood, indicating that we cannot assume that these proteins are completely degraded during digestion or that they are benign once they enter the bloodstream.
© 2015 GMO Science. All Rights Reserved


  1. Bt Plant-Incorporated Protectants October 15, 2001 Biopesticides Registration Action Document, Human Health Assessment, page IIB1
  2. Guimaraes V, Drumare MF, Lereclus D, Gohar M, Lamourette P, Nevers MC, Vaisanen-Tunkelrott ML, Bernard H, Guillon B, Créminon C, Wal JM, Adel-Patient K. 2010. In vitro digestion of Cry1Ab proteins and analysis of the impact on their immunoreactivity. J Agric Food Chem. 58(5):3222-31.
  3. Adang MJ, Crickmore N, Jurat-Fuentes, JL. 2014. Diversity of Bacillus thuringiensis crystal toxins and mechanism of action. In: Tarlochan S. Dhadialla and Sarjeet S. Gill, editors, Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 47, Oxford: Academic Press, pp. 39-87. Elsevier Ltd Academic Press.
  4. See note 1 above.
  5. Freese W, Schubert D. 2004. Safety testing and regulation of genetically engineered foods. Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev. 21:299-324.
  6. See note 3 above.
  7. Fares NH, El-Sayed AK. 1998. Fine structural changes in the ileum of mice fed on delta-endotoxin-treated potatoes and transgenic potatoes. Nat. Toxins. 6: 219-33.
  8. El-Shamei ZS, Gab-Alla AA, Shatta AA, Moussa EA, Rayan AM. 2012. Histopathological changes in some organs of male rats fed on genetically modified corn (Ajeeb YG). J Am Sci. 8(10):684-96.
  9. Buzoianu SG, Walsh MC, Rea MC, Cassidy JP, Ryan TP, Ross RP, Gardiner GE, Lawlor PG. 2013. Transgenerational effects of feeding genetically modified maize to nulliparous sows and offspring on offspring growth and health. J Anim Sci. Jan;91(1):318-30.
  10. Finamore A, Roselli M, Britti S, Monastra G, Ambra R, Turrini A, Mengheri E. 2008. Intestinal and peripheral immune response to MON810 maize ingestion in weaning and old mice. J Agric Food Chem. 56:11533-9.
  11. Sorini C, Falcone M. Shaping the (auto)immune response in the gut: the role of intestinal immune regulation in the prevention of type 1 diabetes. Am J Clin Exp Immunol. 2(2):156-71.
  12. Vázquez-Padrón RI, Gonzáles-Cabrera J, García-Tovar C, Neri-Bazan L, Lopéz-Revilla R, Hernández M, Moreno-Fierro L, de la Riva GA. 2002. Cry1Ac protoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis sp. kurstaki HD73 binds to surface proteins in the mouse small intestine. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 271(1):54-8.
  13. Vázquez-Padrón RI, Moreno-Fierros L, Neri-Bazan L, Martinez-Gil AF, de-la-Riva GA, Lopez-Revilla R. 2000. Characterization of the mucosal and systemic immune response induced by Cry1Ac protein from Bacillus thuringiensis HD 73 in mice. Braz J Med Biol Res. 33(2):147-55.
  14. Vázquez-Padron RI, Moreno-Fierros L, Neri-Bazan L, De La Riva GA, Lopez-Revilla R. Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac protoxin is a potent systemic and mucosal adjuvant. Scand J Immunol. 1999; 49:578-84
  15. See note 2 above.
  16. Miner P Jr, Katz PO, Chen Y, Sostek M. 2003. Gastric acid control with esomeprazole, lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole, and rabeprazole: a five-way crossover study. Am J Gastroenterol. 98(12):2616-20.
  17. Aris A, Leblanc S. Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. 2011. Reprod Toxicol. May;31(4):528-33.
  18. Mesnage R, Clair E, Gress S, Then C, Székács A, Séralini GE.2013. Cytotoxicity on human cells of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac Bt insecticidal toxins alone or with a glyphosate-based herbicide. J Appl Toxicol. Jul;33(7):695-9.

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