pesticide | GMO SCIENCE A public platform where genetically engineered (GE) crop and food impacts are openly discussed and thoughtfully analyzed. Thu, 09 Nov 2023 22:02:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 pesticide | GMO SCIENCE 32 32 GlyphoWHAT? The Daily Poisoning of Our Children Wed, 28 Dec 2022 16:53:20 +0000 Our children are consuming a daily dose of poison. Parents are unaware of the great harm befallen our most vulnerable. And for those parents who attempt to thwart the daily dose of poison, children consume it at school.

If you are awake and aware of the harm of glyphosate, the declared main ingredient in Roundup, now a household word thanks to the dissemination of toxic seeds by Monsanto-now-Bayer, skip on down to the, “…So what do we do now?” section. If you need to be convinced, read on.

Monsanto’s product history includes DDT (think Rachel Carson and The Silent Spring), Agent Orange, GMOs, saccharin, PCBs, nuclear weapons, polystyrenes, aspartame, bovine growth hormone (rBGH), etc. Certainly healthy children did not make the Monsanto’s Who’s Who list.

Fun glyphosate facts:

•Nearly 1 lb of glyphosate for every person in the US is sprayed per year
•It’s water soluble, so our rain and groundwater are also contaminated
•It’s a patented antibiotic by Monsanto, killing off the beneficial microbes and promoting the growth of the pathogens
•It binds crucial biologically important metals, such as zinc, magnesium and manganese
•It’s used off-label as a crop desiccant (drying agent) which means at harvest, crops like oats, wheat and legumes take up whopping amounts of glyphosate
•Roundup-Ready crops are GMO and do not die when sprayed – that’s the only reason for the development of GMOs: They will not save the world 🙁
•Once farmers get on the Monsanto/Bayer hamster wheel, it is difficult to get off

What you may not know is how the GMOs and their associated pesticides show up other than on the dinner plate. Gauze pads? Sanitary products? Infant formula? Yes, yes, and yes.

Are Regulators Regulating?

The EPA says glyphosate is safe, yet the literature says otherwise. A study published in 2019 showed how glyphosate caused autism in lab animals. The offspring of moms exposed to ambient pesticides showed an increased rate of autism as well. The courts also disagree with the EPA. Bayer has had significant financial losses and payouts to the victims of glyphosate-based herbicides.

Do You Know Someone Who Doesn’t Have a Gut Problem? 

Glyphosate destroys the gut by interference with the gut tight junctions. This disruption causes intestinal leakiness and is responsible for toxic substances entering into the bloodstream, causing inflammation and oxidative stress, and disrupting hormones. What happens in the gut doesn’t stay in the gut.  There is a two-way pathway called the gut-brain axis. Injury to the tight junction membrane in the brain by glyphosate can also disrupt the blood brain barrier and create neurologic mayhem.

However, as we end the glyphosate assault, the trick is not to let Big Ag introduce equally or more toxic substitutes, like 2,4-D. The combo of this one-two knock-out punch has been shown to have non-targeted effects on wildlife.

So What Do We Do?

1. Stop and Shop!
Stop our daily poison and shop organics! Avoid processed foods and stick to the outer aisles of the supermarket.

2. Go Italian!
Think onions and garlic and Include a rainbow of veggies, bone broth soup, apple cider vinegar and fermented foods in your diet.

3. Get dirty!

Get outside in nature and move away from the screens.

4. Grow your own!

Plant herbs, microgreens or veggies in your window or garden.

5. Filter your water!

Decrease the toxic tap water load and your body will thank you.

6. Shake the tech addiction!

Shut off the router when not in use.

Make Health Regeneration Your Health Hobby

Everywhere you turn, more folks are moving away from the Pharmacy to the Farmacy, which concurrently supports your local farmer! Be part of the movement where the regeneration of your health and your family’s health is your hobby.  Here are some links to help you get started:


Dr. Michelle Perro is the author of the acclaimed book, What’s Making our Children Sick?, Co-Founder and Executive Director of, and Advisor to the popular website on regenerative health,

Bt and GMOs Tue, 27 Sep 2022 01:22:13 +0000 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) puts out toxic compounds that cause inflammation and tissue damage in the organs of specific insect pests such as caterpillars.

The genes from Bt have been inserted into several genetically modified crops so that the plants produce pesticides themselves. The GM industry argues that this is no different from what organic farmers do when they spray Bt bacteria; however, this is a massive distortion of the facts. Organic farmers spray live bacteria onto the crop, not the Bt toxins. During the night and early morning, pests eat the bacteria, infecting them so that the bacteria release their toxins and eventually kill the pests. It is destroyed by ultraviolet light, so usually, none will survive more than a day or two, and consumers will not be affected by the toxins produced by Bt.

On the other hand, every cell of a Bt GMO plant and its produce contains the Bt toxin, so livestock and people are consuming these pesticide compounds. Despite assurances that they have been tested for safety, most Bt GMOs receive no or minimal testing. The assumption is that because the Bt toxin is considered safe for non-target species, the Bt in the GMO produce is also safe.

However, there are several published, peer-reviewed scientific studies showing that the process of inserting the Bt gene from the bacteria into the plant changes the way Bt works. These studies show that it causes organ damage and inflammatory diseases in the animals that consume the plant. A Canadian study published in the scientific journal Reproductive Toxicology found the pesticide toxin from GMO crops in the blood samples of women and their unborn babies. The GMO toxin was found in 93 percent of maternal blood samples and 80 percent of fetal blood samples. These women were eating the typical Canadian diet. The products of these pesticide-producing plants have been permitted in the diets of people, especially children, without any peer-reviewed, evidence-based testing to show that they are safe. An extensive body of published scientific studies shows that these toxins are linked to numerous adverse health events in animals.

Turning Sewage Sludge and Food Waste into Carbon Free Vehicle Fuels Sun, 26 Jun 2022 20:06:07 +0000


  • Sewage dumped into the ocean harms sea life
  • Sewage sludge converted to fertilizer has too many harmful chemicals in it
  • Food waste and sewage sludge can be turned into valuable fuel, but toxic chemicals (e.g., glyphosate, prescription drugs) are still problematic
  • Acid-loving microbes from Yellowstone Park produce versatile enzymes capable of breaking down toxic chemicals
  • Hydrogen gas can be extracted during processing and combined with nitrogen from the air to produce ammonia, a convenient storage form of hydrogen gas
  • Electric vehicles fueled by hydrogen gas are fast becoming a practical reality

Brett Danson is an entrepreneur who lives in Kauai, Hawaii, and his life passion has become seeking ways to improve the environment in order to safeguard human health and the health of the ecosystem. His fascinating life story reveals how adversity can lead to a new focus of life energy, ultimately resulting in both personal and financial success, and even great achievement.

Brett’s life-changing moment took place on a day in 2010 when he was innocently walking his dog along a street on the west side of Kauai, when a pick-up truck drove by with men in the back, dressed in hazmat suits spraying weed killer along a 2-mile long seawall. Even though Brett and his dog were across the street, the foul smell of the herbicide permeated. The sprayers were paying no attention to the man with his dog. While Brett was watching them, the dog soon passed out, and Brett tripped over the dog just as it collapsed to the ground. Shortly thereafter, both Brett and his dog became sick. Through some investigations, Brett found out that the chemical was a mixture of glyphosate and 2,4-D, which had been incorrectly formulated at double the specified concentration in the instruction manual.

That was bad. But there was more — a much darker secret. Nearly all the homes on the west side of Kauai have cesspools. Cesspools are simply open holes in the ground where sewage from the home or businesses collects. Cesspools leak into the ocean throughout Hawaii and many other parts of the world. It’s a worldwide problem causing millions of deaths and illnesses every year. Sewage is a problem and food waste is a problem, worldwide. Sewage and food waste unchecked create unsanitary conditions that damage the entire ecosystem.

Brett’s condition continued to deteriorate, and he was eventually diagnosed with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). His doctor gave him a very discouraging prognosis, recommending that he “get his life in order” and prepare to die.

Instead, Brett got on the Web and started researching any information he could find on how to heal from COPD. He eventually settled on several natural supplements that he took in high doses, including essential oils such as red thyme, quercetin and N-acetyl cysteine. It took several years, but finally he was able to fully heal.

Brett’s experience had a lasting effect on his perspective on life. He decided to set up a nonprofit foundation which he called the “Global Environmental Legacy Foundation,” whose main focus initially was to try to figure out how to use advanced sciences to remove pathogens and chemicals like glyphosate from water supplies. In 2015, the foundation created a short video [1] describing an idea involving magnetic nanoparticles using a method called capacitive deionization.

Brett is a natural-born leader, and he is not shy about reaching out to experts to share his novel ideas and to expand his knowledge domain. One by one, he slowly grew a network of like-minded individuals, all broadly interested in the topic of turning waste into useful products, while detoxifying water. He also became mindful of the fact that human waste and food waste, if not properly managed, not only causes severe illness and death but can contribute to the carbon footprint that is affecting climate change, through the release of greenhouse gases such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

Unfortunately, today, because of the chemical age that we live in, both sewage and food waste are contaminated with many toxic chemicals, such as glyphosate and polychlorinated bisphenols (the forever chemicals), but also toxic metals and many unmetabolized prescription drugs present in human waste. Handling waste is a much more difficult and challenging problem than it was back in the day before all these synthetic chemicals had been invented.

For example, many of the drugs used in chemotherapy to treat cancer are not metabolized by the patient and can end up in the waterways. A good example is methotrexate, which is used to treat not only cancer and leukemia, but also psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases [2]. A great number of these cytostatic drugs are not significantly removed by standard processing methods, suggesting their high persistence in wastewater treatment plants [3, 4]. Metformin is another drug that is widely prescribed to treat type II diabetes. It is thought to be the most highly deposited pharmaceutical in the aquatic environment by mass [5]. It is also a known endocrine disruptor, and it is likely one of the factors causing the appearance of “intersex” fish in waterways that receive abundant sewage effluent. These fish are genetically male with testes, but they also produce eggs and have other features of female gonads.

And, of course, glyphosate is another very common chemical present in sewage sludge and food waste. A study has shown that, when glyphosate is added to water that has abundant biofilms present, the glyphosate quickly adheres to the biofilms and becomes concentrated there at levels two to four orders of magnitude higher than the levels found in the surrounding water [6]. Juvenile fish and amphibians dwell in the biofilms, and the bioconcentration of glyphosate there does not bode well for them. Glyphosate is increasingly being recognized as an endocrine disruptor, so it too could be contributing to the plight of the gender-confused fish [7].

It is interesting to reflect on the long history of managing human waste. Long ago, as people began to crowd into metropolitan areas, it became apparent that something needed to be done, and this led to the invention of indoor plumbing linking to a network of pipes to deliver effluent from a large number of homes into a catchment basin, where it could be treated by reactive agents like chlorine and ozone to kill pathogens before releasing the waste into waterways. But, as always, things are more complicated than they seem. It turns out, for example, that ozone and chlorine treatment can combine to cause certain stimulants such as ephedrine and methamphetamine, as well as certain antidepressants, to metabolize to dangerous carcinogenic products such as chloropricin [8]. Chloropricin is actually used as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial, fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, and nematicide. On the other hand, both chlorine and ozone are somewhat effective at breaking down glyphosate, and this has probably led to a much lower glyphosate contamination level in the wastewater.

Over time, strange marine die-offs made people aware that sewage runoff was becoming a problem affecting the health of marine life. This caused scientists to focus on developing ways to repurpose the sewage sludge as “biosolids” for land-based use [9]. It seems reasonable to think of converting biological waste into fertilizer, and this could be a good idea if not for all the toxic synthetic chemicals it contains today. Dr. David Lewis is an internationally renowned microbiologist who formerly worked as a senior research microbiologist with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Office of Research and Development. He is known as a whistle-blower who found that agricultural use of processed sewage sludge promoted by EPA programs was linked to illness and death. He recently published a long and fascinating article summarizing his findings over the past several decades [10]. He even argues that widespread land application of sewage sludge (biosolids) may be an overlooked factor in the autism epidemic.

Returning to Brett Danson’s story, it turns out that his idea with the magnetic nanoparticles did not reach a practical solution, because the particles were too expensive, and the chemicals they removed from the water were not getting broken down. But he was not discouraged by this. In collaboration with his network of experts, he eventually worked out an elegant solution that could turn food waste, sewage sludge and agricultural waste into ammonia, which would then serve as a storage form of “green” hydrogen fuel. His small non-profit has now morphed into a bigger commercial operation with several employees, and he has an ambitious plan of assembling a complete ecosystem involving a multi-step process to convert waste into fuel while minimizing the release of greenhouse gases. His company is called GELF Sciences [11], and it promotes the concept of the “AINA Zero-Discharge Wastewater Treatment System.”

Eventually, Brett joined forces with John Sabo of Arizona State University, and the two decided to become business partners. Brett and John successfully transferred a technology invented by Dr. Bruce Rittmann and Dr. Cesar Torress. Brett and John opened GELF Energy Corp. The patented technology, licensed exclusively to GELF Energy Corporation, converts organic waste into electricity 10 times faster than any other technology. The basic idea in simplistic terms was to take advantage of electrogenic microorganisms, capture the electrons in the cathode, and then use the electrons to generate large volumes of gas that can be turned into electricity. Then, the electricity is combined with air and water to make ammonia. It requires a carefully choreographed sequence of processing steps with feedback loops involving the use of microorganisms in a first step followed by high temperatures and pressures to further break down the organic matter, including the toxic chemicals. Simplistically speaking, a so-called microbial energy device ™ takes advantage of microbes that produce electrons while degrading organic matter. The electrons are then shuttled to a cathode, where they are combined with protons to form gas, which is captured. The process also makes fertilizers. Most of the ammonia is generated via an ammonia electrolyzer, which simply combines water, electricity and air to make the ammonia. Some of the ammonia is used in fertilizers. There are also by-products that can be used as fuel to heat the biomass.

One of the big breakthroughs came when Brett’s team from New Mexico State University became aware of algae that grow in the hot springs of Yellowstone Park under extremely acidic conditions. These algae love acid so much that they immediately die in an environment that is too basic. This eliminates any worries of them escaping from the production plant. And the acidic environment they live in is very effective for assisting in the breakdown of toxic chemicals, supported by their remarkable repertoire of versatile enzymes.

Ammonia turns out to be an excellent “storage form” of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas is becoming increasingly viable as a fuel source for fuel cell vehicles – hydrogen gas is easily converted to electricity to fuel electric cars, and it is a very clean energy source. But hydrogen bulk storage presents an expensive challenge [12]. Since it is a gas, we must rely on high-pressure compressed gas cylinders made out of steel or composites to maintain pressure up to 1050 bar to condense the gas for storage. An attractive alternative is to take advantage of nitrogen to make liquid ammonia (NH3), where the hydrogen atoms, securely bound to nitrogen, are naturally much more crowded. It’s a fairly straightforward step to extract the hydrogen from the ammonia after distribution.

We are a long way from a practical solution for all the problems associated with hydrogen gas as a fuel source for vehicles. In the formative stages of industry development, the public sector will need to support the common infrastructure required to produce, store, and distribute hydrogen. Luckily for Brett, Hawaii is playing a leadership role in the development of solutions using hydrogen gas as a fuel, in part because gasoline is considerably more expensive in Hawaii than on the mainland. In a recent ceremony honoring a launch of Hawaii’s first “hydrogen station,” governor David Ige boasted that Hawaii “is the only state in the country committed to a 100% clean, renewable energy future.” [13] Despite the fact that much more research is still needed, it is reassuring to know that many brilliant minds are working hard to solve both our energy needs and our needs to reduce toxic chemical exposures in an enterprise that involves a joining of forces between the renewable fuels industry and the wastewater treatment industry.

[1] Glyphosate Removal in Water. September 11, 2015.
[2] University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. New tool removes chemotherapy drugs from water systems. ScienceDaily 19 January 2021.
[3] IJ Buerge, HR Buser, T Poiger, MD Mu ̈ller. Occurrence and fate of the cytostatic drugs cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide in wastewater and surface waters. Environ Sci Technol 2006; 40(23): 7242-7250.
[4] M Jureczkoab, J Kalkaa. Cytostatic pharmaceuticals as water contaminants. European Journal of Pharmacology Volume 866, 5 January 2020, 172816
[5] NJ Niemuth, RD Klaper. Emerging wastewater contaminant metformin causes intersex and reduced fecundity in fish. Chemosphere 2015; 135: 38-45.
[6] Laura Beecraft, Rebecca Rooney. Bioconcentration of glyphosate in wetland biofilms. Science of the Total Environment 2021; 756: 143993.
[7] Juan P. Mun ̃oz, Tammy C. Bleak, Gloria M. Calaf. Glyphosate and the key characteristics of an endocrine disruptor: A review. Chemosphere 2021; 270: 128619.
[8] ACS News Service Weekly PressPac: February 05, 2020 Treating wastewater with ozone could convert pharmaceuticals into toxic compounds.
[9] R Stehouwer. What is sewage sludge and what can be done with it? September 15, 2010.
[10] DL Lewis. The autism biosolids conundrum. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research July 15, 2020; 1(1): 51-74.
[11] GELF Sciences, Inc.
[12] J Andersson, S Grönkvist. Large-scale storage of hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019; 44: 11901e11919.
[13] D NewcombFormer. Hydrogen Fuel for Passenger Cars Comes To Hawaii. Jul 21, 2018.

Massive Rise in Use of Glyphosate-based Herbicides Fri, 04 Mar 2016 22:57:28 +0000 Herbicides containing glyphosate are the most heavily used worldwide. A comprehensive account of the use of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) is available in an article published by Environmental Sciences Europe in February 2016 (1).

This article examines the last 40 years of GBH use. Data sources on US applications of glyphosate include the US Department of Agriculture, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the US Geological Survey. Reported data focus on the weight of the active ingredient glyphosate in all end-use formulations of GBH.

Major facts reported:

  • GBH use has risen remarkably over time, 300 fold between 1974 and 2014
  • GBHs are the most heavily applied pesticide in history, by a wide margin
  • Genetically engineered crops are the major cause of the huge increase since 1996 in the US and globally,
  • By 2010, agriculture accounted for 90% of the total yearly use of GBH, and
  • 66% of all GBH used in the US since 1974 was used in the last 10 years – there has been no time for long term effects (such as lymphoma) to appear, let alone be detected, analyzed and reported.

Uses for GBH include:

  • Traditional use to destroy growing weeds (either before planting or after harvest),
  • As broadcast, post-emergent herbicide on RoundupReady® crops (these crops vastly increased in acreage and diversity throughout the time period examined),
  • “Green burndown” uses to speed up harvest operations (used on wheat, barley, edible beans, and others, and resulting in significant glyphosate residue in the harvested foodstuffs), and
  • Home garden and landscape uses, wildlands, rights-of-way, industrial facilities etc., which used to account for 34-42% of total use now account for less than 10%.

GBH, and the main metabolite of glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), have known and suspected adverse impacts:

  • on soil microbial communities and earthworms,
  • on insects (Monarch butterflies and honeybees),
  • on web of life in waterways, including crustaceans at the base of the feeding chain,
  • on pesticide applicators, their families, and communities (see our article),
  • on livestock, and
  • on the general population: through air, water, rain, and food.


The introduction of RoundupReady® crops is the main factor that led to a massive increase in the use of GBH (300 fold increase in 40 years). While GBHs may have replaced problematic practices such as tillage and more dangerous herbicides, it is now itself the source of major harms to environmental and human health caused by agriculture, in part because of the massive scale of use over time and across the agricultural landscape.


  1. Benbrook, CM. Trends in glyphosate herbicide use in the United States and globally. Environmental Sciences Europe (2016) 28:3, access free of charge at
]]> Glyphosate and Glyphosate-based Herbicides Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:42:19 +0000

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide formulations most commonly used on genetically engineered (GE) crops. For nearly a decade, glyphosate has been far and away the most widely and heavily used pesticide in the US and globally.

In 2015, US farmers and ranchers applied enough glyphosate to spray about three-quarters of a pound of active ingredient on every acre of cultivated cropland in the country. Globally, close to half a pound may have been applied in 2015 on every acre of cultivated cropland on the planet.[1],[2]

Levels of glyphosate and its primary breakdown product AMPA are rising in soil, water, food, and the atmosphere. People are being exposed through multiple sources. For these reasons, it is crucial that safety thresholds applicable to glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) be founded on the very best science possible.

Regrettably, this is clearly not now the case.

A number of studies support the concern that glyphosate is harmful.”[3] Another key consideration is that glyphosate is usually applied in a commercial formulation called Roundup®. The adjuvants are so-called “inert” ingredients and are used in Roundup® herbicides to improve the stability and penetration of glyphosate into plant, human, and animal cells.[4] They may present safety concerns of their own.

In this article, we point out the following:

  • There is increasing evidence that glyphosate and GBH are toxic and/or damaging to human health via different mechanisms, depending on the amount of exposure;
  • Multiple factors are driving GBH use upward: increased planting of GE, Roundup Ready® crops; the need for higher rates and greater number of applications to combat resistance of weeds; and, new uses for GBH such as for habitat restoration, crop desiccation to accelerate harvest operations, backyard and local neighborhood use by schools, businesses, and government;
  • Some of the published reports that claim that wide margins of safety exist rely on studies that are outdated, not designed to detect subtle cellular, metabolic, or genetic changes, and/or are of limited relevance to human health outcomes; and
  • Human exposure is unmonitored but common, as suggested by the fact that glyphosate has been found in the urine of both rural and urban people, as well as in the breast milk of urban mothers.


Glyphosate and GBH are toxic

There exists an extensive scientific literature documenting doses at which glyphosate, either alone or in combination with adjuvants and surfactants, has been shown to be harmful. Its effects include endocrine disruption,[5] alteration of populations of gut microbes,[6] reproductive harm,[7] DNA damage,[8] liver damage,[9],[10],[11],[12] kidney damage,[13],[14] and cancer promotion.[15] Glyphosate also inhibits the action of CYP2C9,[16] an enzyme in the human liver responsible for the breakdown of a pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid (arachidonic acid), as well as over 100 drugs commonly used in the clinical setting, such as certain blood thinners.[17]

Glyphosate has also been found to cause oxidative damage in the liver of pregnant rats and their fetuses.[18] Damage has also been caused to brain cells, specifically cells from a part of the brain called the substantia nigra[19],[20] which is involved in the etiology of Parkinson’s disease.

Liver damage was also observed in rats fed small, environmentally relevant doses of GBH over both 3-month and 2-year periods.[21],[22],[23] The changes observable at 3 months, the standard time used for sub-chronic safety screening, were interpreted as clinically irrelevant, but longer exposures revealed an apparent worsening of these changes.[24]

Glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor, meaning that it mimics or modifies the effects of hormones. For example, in placental cell cultures it reduces the activity of the enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the synthesis of estrogen.[25] Rats fed glyphosate during puberty show changes in testicular morphology.[26]
One mechanism whereby glyphosate disrupts development was elucidated in Argentina after government agencies reported high levels of reproductive abnormalities in vertebrates in agricultural regions where glyphosate is extensively used.[27]

Glyphosate also alters cell division by affecting a mechanism universal to living cells.[28],[29] This could adversely impact development in several ways.
Glyphosate induces growth of breast cancer cells in the laboratory.[30] Epidemiological studies have consistently correlated glyphosate exposure to cancer, particularly non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL). Of the four such studies identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) panel, three reported a statistically significant increase in the incidence of NHL in farmers exposed to glyphosate.[31],[32]

Glyphosate is a known chelator,[33] which means that it binds tightly to metal ions. These metal ions include nutrient minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and calcium. Research suggests that there are few differences in mineral content between GE and non-GE plants.[34] But that study does not address the question of whether glyphosate residues present in plant material might make these nutrients unavailable to animals. Cows fed a diet containing glyphosate were found to have lower levels of copper, selenium, zinc, cobalt, and manganese in their bloodstreams.[35] It is not known whether these lowered levels affected the health of these cows, or whether a similar phenomenon could be occurring in humans. If indeed mineral bioavailability is altered in the human GI tract by the presence of glyphosate residues, clinical syndromes could be triggered and associated with a number of health problems.

Teams of international scientists are assessing the possible human health impacts of glyphosate use and exposures in tropical regions with hard (metal containing) drinking water. For over 10 years now, the World Health Organization has invested heavily in identifying the causes behind hundreds of thousands of cases of often-lethal chronic kidney disease among otherwise healthy male farm workers. Evidence is mounting that some of the cases were triggered by ingestion of chelated glyphosate via drinking water, which then became lodged in the kidneys. Because of the bond to a metal ion, the kidney apparently may not be able to normally metabolize and secrete the glyphosate, triggering damage to the kidney and the progression to disease.

A 2009 review concluded that there was not enough information available to determine whether glyphosate is safe for humans.[36] The extensive published literature cited above, as well as the IARC’s recent findings of the probable carcinogenicity of glyphosate, have since raised additional concerns regarding its safety.

Glyphosate is patented as an antibiotic.[37],[38] Its main mechanism of action involves interference with the enzyme EPSP synthase, which is present in many bacteria.[39] In spite of what we now understand to be a crucial role of beneficial bacteria in human health,[40] the EPA has not evaluated the possible disruption in the human GI tract as a result of exposure to GBH.[41]


The Use of GBH Continues to Increase

Before GE crops became widespread, farmers used Roundup® to eliminate weeds only prior to planting, because the crops themselves would have been destroyed by it; while fields were idle (i.e., summer fallow fields); or, after harvest to clean up any surviving weeds.

Now GE soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, sugarbeets, and alfalfa can be “Roundup Ready®” which means that they can be, and are, sprayed with GBHs during the growing season. Plants sprayed late in the growing season can take glyphosate up into their stems, leaves, and seeds,[42] making it impossible to remove residues before consumption.

GBH is also sprayed on several non-GE crops (sugarcane, cereal crops, orchards, and others), usually just before planting, or right before harvest in order to dry leaves and hasten ripening and harvest. In some cases, GBHs also can apparently improve yields.[43] As a result, foods labeled “non-GMO” can contain high levels of glyphosate and adjuvants used in conjunction with glyphosate. This agricultural practice increases our cumulative exposure to both glyphosate, its major metabolite AMPA, and the adjuvants and surfactants in commercial formulations.

More than half of the GBH used in the US are applied by farmers on our food crops.[44] In addition, GBHs are widely available to: (a) the public for use in and around the home, (b) local businesses and governments for use around buildings, parking lots, transmission lines, around schools, in parks and other public places, and by agencies attempting to eradicate non-native plants.[45] These uses contribute to ambient levels in the environment, drinking water, and food, and hence also add to each individual’s daily dose of glyphosate.


Existing Assessments Are Not Reassuring

Numerous studies and literature reviews performed by the companies that manufacture GBHs attempt to reassure the public of their safety.[46],[47],[48],[49],[50] However, there are several problems with them:

  • They were commonly written by scientists hired by the herbicide manufacturing industry, or who worked in firms specializing in public relations for that industry;
  • A careful analysis of the way in which safe levels were determined revealed significant errors.[51]
  • They did not take into account the many adjuvants and surfactants present in all commercial formulations of glyphosate.[52] Farmers never use glyphosate alone. Adjuvants are needed for glyphosate to penetrate into plants in order to kill them. Some adjuvants are more toxic than glyphosate, but are nevertheless considered inert ingredients.[53] Thus, the substances present in the adjuvant mixture to which humans are exposed could promote adverse health effects in their own right or in conjunction with glyphosate.
  • Conclusions were mainly based on studies assessing acute toxic effects to rodents, mainly death and organ damage. They neglected more subtle endocrine (hormone system) effects, nervous system disruptions, long-term liver and kidney damage, immune dysfunction that could lead to autoimmunity and/or allergy, metabolic diseases (diabetes, thyroid), dysbiosis, depression or dementia, and learning and behavioral issues such as difficulty with speech and social behavior.
  • They did not fully account for variation in susceptibility to chemical-induced health problems across the human population.

Studies have not asked the right questions

The ideal study would be a multi-generation, full lifespan, mammalian feeding study with control and several treatment groups. A wide range of reproductive, developmental, metabolic, and pathological endpoints would be monitored. To gain confidence that the observed impacts and associated safety levels are correct, such studies need to be done with at least three different types of experimental animals, and replicated until there is agreement on both the most sensitive endpoints, and the lowest doses at which adverse impacts are observed.

Because glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor (see above), future studies should incorporate testing principles from endocrinology (e.g. hormone dosage). Moreover, both glyphosate alone and formulated GBHs must be tested at environmentally relevant levels, to sort out the contribution of glyphosate to any toxic effects versus the contribution of the adjuvants and surfactants.

More biomonitoring of human fluids for glyphosate and its breakdown products should also be performed. Glyphosate’s effects on the general population need to be investigated by conducting properly designed epidemiological studies. While several epidemiological studies have concluded there is a link between glyphosate exposure and cancer, others have reported negative results.

Based on the current pervasiveness of GBH in the environment, the possibility that any given “control group” is contaminated by glyphosate residues cannot be ruled out. In a study performed in 2007,[54] for example, similar levels of glyphosate were found in farm household members and non-farm household members. Conversely, glyphosate concentrations reported as occupational exposures may be, at least in part, due to background environmental exposure. These observations imply that future epidemiological studies should incorporate monitoring of human fluids for glyphosate (and adjuvants), rather than rely on indirect estimates of exposure.
The closest we can come to full life-cycle mammalian feeding studies are either studies that use a higher level of glyphosate than is found in our environment (including our food and our neighborhoods) and studies that use intermediate end-points instead of diseases. For example, one can measure metabolic disturbances that are known to underlie many diseases, such as precancerous changes, immune dysfunction, and oxidative stress. However, no GBH feeding studies using these parameters as biomarkers have been conducted to date.

The one peer-reviewed, long-term toxicity study published thus far on the effects of GBH Roundup®, and of eating Roundup Ready® GE corn event NK603, is Séralini et al., originally published in Food and Chemical Toxicology.[55] This controversial paper has been dissected by dozens of regulatory bodies, expert groups, and research teams. While constructive suggestions have been made regarding how larger sample sizes would have increased the power of the study to detect health impacts, there have been no serious questions raised about the validity of the basic pathological findings.
The Roundup® used for this study was tested at three different doses. Liver and kidney toxicity were observed at levels well below the regulatory threshold set for glyphosate alone.[56]

Séralini et al. presents clear evidence regarding the toxicity of both NK603 corn and Roundup® herbicide in Sprague-Dawley rats and also reports, as secondary observations, the increased mortality and tumor incidence observed in the study animals by the researchers.[57] Because this study was not undertaken as a carcinogenesis study, and because – after thoroughly evaluating the manuscript and all of the raw data it was based on – the Editor-in-Chief of Food and Chemical Toxicology found its results “inconclusive,” follow-up studies are urgently needed.

Some individuals are more vulnerable than others

It is only in recent years that scientists have begun to study and understand aspects of gene structure and function that influence our ability to cope with harmful chemicals. Such studies make it clear that certain individuals can be at much higher risks than others. For example, individuals with an altered version of the aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme have been shown to experience enhanced pesticides effects that are associated with Parkinson’s disease.[58]


Glyphosate has been found in human urine and breast milk

In one study of Europeans, glyphosate was detectable in the urine of most of the study’s participants.[59] In another study of US citizens, it was detected in 3 out of 10 samples of breast milk.[60]   Studies indicate that glyphosate can be readily identified in the human body, and thereby attest to how thoroughly populations are exposed to this compound through water, food, and/or the environment.

Studies show that 23% of an oral dose of glyphosate is absorbed. Once absorbed, it diffuses quickly into body tissues, and then is eliminated at a rate of about 50% every 16 hours. This means that after 24 hours, more than 25% of the initial absorbed dose is still in the body;[61] it can therefore build up if one continues to ingest it.

As we likely ingest some glyphosate every day, glyphosate is probably present at some level in our bodies all the time.[62] We know from studies in goats that levels in liver and kidneys tend to be higher than in fat or muscle.[63] Accumulated glyphosate has also been found in other livestock (pigs, cattle), which may not only negatively impact their health, but also act as yet another source of human exposure through meat consumption.[64]

Note that the above paragraph concerns the effects of glyphosate alone and not in combination with adjuvants. Some researchers find that Roundup® is much more toxic than glyphosate, possibly due to enhanced absorption into cells.[65],[66]
In the US and Europe, exposure to glyphosate is common[67] and elicits little official concern, as evidenced by the fact that the EPA raised acceptable levels of glyphosate in several crops in 2011 at the request of manufacturers.[68]

Exercising Appropriate Caution

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s cancer agency reported that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen.[69],[70] This report from a highly respected international organization challenges conventional wisdom regarding glyphosate safety. Also in 2015, researchers demonstrated in rat experiments that extremely small doses of Roundup®, well below regulatory limits, can be harmful to kidneys and liver.[71],[72] And yet consumers generally have no way of knowing where, how, and how extensively they are exposed to glyphosate.
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  13. See note 11.
  14. See note 12.
  15. See note 5.
  16. Abass K, Turpeinen M, Pelkonen O. 2009. An Evaluation of the Cytochrome P450 Inhibition Potential of Selected Pesticides in Human Hepatic Microsomes. J Environ Sci Health B.  44(6):553-63.
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  19. See note 9.
  20. See note 10.
  21. Benedetti AL, Vituri Cde L, Trentin AG, Domingues MA, Alvarez-Silva M. 2004. The Effects of Sub-chronic Exposure of Wistar Rats to the Herbicide Glyphosate-Biocarb. Toxicol Lett. 153(2):227-32.
  22. See note 11.
  23. See note 12.
  24. See note 12.
  25. Richard S, Moslemi S, Sipahutar H, Benachour N, Séralini GE. 2005. Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup® on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase. Environ Health Perspect. 113(6):716-20.
  26. See note 7.
  27. Paganelli A, Gnazzo V, Acosta H, López SL, Carrasco AE. 2010. Glyphosate-based Herbicides Produce Teratogenic Effects on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signaling. Chem Res Toxicol. 23(10):1586-95.
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  29. Benachour N, Seralini GE. 2009. Glyphosate Formulations Induce Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Umbilical, Embryonic, and Placental Cells. Chem Res Toxicol. 22:97-105.
  30. See note 5.
  31. Guyton, K et al. 2015. On behalf of the International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group, IARC, Lyon, France. Carcinogenicity of Tetrachlorvinphos, Parathion, Malathion, Diazinon, and Glyphosate. The Lancet Oncology. 16(5): 490-491.
  32. See note 3.
  33. Lundager Madsen H, Christensen H, Gottlieb-Petersen C. 1978. Stability constants of copper (II), zinc, manganese (II), calcium, and magnesium complexes of N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine (glyphosate). Acta Chem Scand A. 32:79-83.
  34. Bohn T, Cuhra M, Traavik T, Sanden M, Fagan J, Primicerio R. 2014. Compositional Difference in Soybeans on the Market; Glyphosate Accumulates in Roundup Ready GM Soybeans. Food Chem. 153:207-15.
  35. Kruger M, Schrodl W, Neuhaus J, Shehata A. 2013. Field Investigations of Glyphosate in Urine of Danish Dairy Cows. J Environ Anal Toxicol. 3(5):1-7.
  36. See note 10.
  37. Glyphosate formulations and their use for the inhibition of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase,
  38. EPA Reregistration Document for Glyphosate, (Note: This pdf is a large file.)
  39. See note 37.
  40. Cho I, Blaser MJ. 2012. The human microbiome: at the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. Mar 13;13(4):260-70.
  41. Federal Register. 2013. Rules and Regulations, May 1;78(84),
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  44. Fishel FM. 2014. Pesticide Use Trends in the United States: A 25-Year U.S. Summary.
  45. United States EPA 2007 Pesticide Market Estimates,
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  48. Mink PJ, Mandel JS, Sceurman BK, Lundin JI. 2012. Epidemiologic studies of glyphosate and cancer: A review. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 63(3): 440-52.
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  51. See note 50.
  52. See note 4.
  53. Mesnage R, Bernay B, Séralini GE. 2013. Ethoxylated adjuvants of glyphosate-based herbicides are active principles of human cell toxicity. Toxicology. 313(2-3);122-8.
  54. Curwin BD, Hein MJ, Sanderson WT, Striley C, Heederik D, Kromhout H, Reynolds SJ, Alavania MC. 2007. Urinary pesticide concentrations among children, mothers and fathers living in farm and non-farm households in Iowa. Ann Occup Hyg. 5(1):53-65.
  55. Séralini GE, Clair E, Mesnage R, Gress S, Defarge N, Malatesta M, Hennequin D, De Vendômois JS. 2014. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize. Environmental Sciences Europe. 26:14.
  56. Fagan J, Traavik T, Bøhn T. 2015. The Seralini affair: degeneration of science to Re-Science? Environ Sci Eur. 27:19.
  57. See note 56.
  58. Fitzmaurice AG1, Rhodes SL, Cockburn M, Ritz B, Bronstein JM. 2014. Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Variation Enhances Effect of Pesticides  Associated with Parkinson’s disease. Neurology. 82(5):419-26.
  59. Friends of the Earth Europe. 2013. Weed killer found in human urine across Europe. June13,
  60. Honeycutt Z, Rowlands H. 2014. Glyphosate testing full report: findings in American mothers’ breast milk, urine and water,
  61. Anadón A, Martínez-Larrañaga MR, Martínez MA, Castellano VJ, Martínez M, Martin MT, Nozal MJ, Bernal JL. 2009. Toxicokinetics of Glyphosate and its Metabolite Aminomethyl Phosphonic Acid in Rats. Toxicol Lett. 190(1):91-5.
  62. See note 61.
  63. European Food Safety Authority (RMS: Germany, Co-RMS-Slovakia). 2013. Renewal Assessment Report, Glyphosate Residue Data. December 18;3(Annex B.7), See Table B.7.3-8
  64. Kruger M, Wieland S, Pedersen I, Shehata A. 2014. Detection of Glyphosate in Malformed Piglets. Envir and Anal Tox. 4:5.
  65. See note 25.
  66. Mesnage, R., Defarge, N., Spiroux de Vendômois, J., & Séralini, GE. 2014. Major Pesticides Are More Toxic to Human Cells Than Their Declared Active Principles. BioMed Research International, 179691. 
  67. See note 54.
  68. See note 41.
  69. See note 31.
  70. See note 3.
  71. See note 11.
  72. See note 12.