
Featuring Michael Gervais, PhD, co-creator of the Performance Science Institute at the University of Southern California, and author of the HBR article How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You—one of the most popular HBR articles of all time.

Complimentary HBR Webinar

Tuesday, October 24, 11:00 am ET

FOPO (fear of other people’s opinion) is running rampant.

It shows up everywhere in our lives because of the proliferation of social media, the intense pressure to succeed, and our overreliance on external rewards, metrics, and validation.

When we let FOPO take control, we play it safe and small, out of fear of being critiqued. When challenged, we surrender our viewpoint. We trade authenticity for approval. We please rather than provoke. We chase the dreams of others, rather than our own.

This concern about what others think about us has become an irrational, unproductive, and unhealthy obsession. Its negative effects reach into all aspects of our lives.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

On October 24, in a live, interactive HBR webinar, Michael Gervais explained how the key to leading a high-performance life is to redirect our attention away from the world outside us to the world inside us.

Gervais is an expert on high performance, has authored many HBR articles, and recently wrote the new book The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying about What People Think of You.

In this webinar Gervais focused on:

  • The relationship between the mind and human performance
  • The noxious effects of FOPO
  • Mental skills and practices to overcome FOPO

Gervais has devoted his career to teaching these skills and practices to the best of the best in business, sports, the arts, and science when they need to achieve the extraordinary. In this webinar, Gervais shared skills to achieve personal excellence. He shared stories of high performers who have used these skills to eliminate FOPO and achieve their own dreams.