Modern agriculture has made food plentiful and abundant—but not healthy.

Half of the American population have chronic diseases, utilizing 86 percent of health care dollars. Oftentimes the blame is placed on those who are ill for their lifestyle choices. But the numbers tell a different story: as small farmers started getting squeezed out of food production and agriculture became dominated by a smaller number of huge agribusinesses, the quality of our food dropped precipitously. Less nutritious food meant Americans weren’t getting the nutrients they need, which has helped create an epidemic of chronic disease. Tackling the chronic disease epidemic isn’t only about adjusting individual choices, but also about attacking the cronyism at the root of our food policy that degrades our food, our health, and the planet.


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V-Sumposium Recording

Your $49.00 tax-deductible donation entitles you to access the V-Symposium recordings. The first V-Symposium was held April 1 and 2, 2023 and featured five of the top doctors and scientists who are on the front lines, working with people experiencing adverse effects and injury from vaccine exposure and Long Covid. The April 1st recording features a bonus talk from a prominent vaccine injury attorney.

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